Get Your Taxes Ready to File Before Your Extension is Due!
If you haven’t filed your taxes yet this year, we seriously hope that you were able to file an extension. Otherwise, you’ll be in big trouble with the Franchise Tax Board (read our previous post about this!) and it’s likely you’ll get hit with penalties and other charges when you do get around to filing. […]
How Do I Keep My Receipts Straight for End-of-Year?
Create a system for next year! Start a record-keeping program so you can keep on top of it next year. The hardest part is starting! Stephen Covey reminds us that forming habits is not always a bad thing—learn to start and keep GOOD habits, like keeping your receipts that you need. It doesn’t have to […]
Why Do You Have to Keep Your Receipts?
This is a question I get asked all the time: Why do I have to keep all these receipts? There’s one main reason: If you want to deduct it, you need proof. In the event that you’re audited, the IRS requires full documentation. Most people don’t understand that, when under audit, one of the rules […]